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Elizabeth Melter Headshot

Elizabeth Melter

Assistant Principal

Bridges Elementary School


Dear Bridges Parents & Community Members,
Welcome to a new and exciting year at Bridges Elementary.  My name is Elizabeth Melter, and I am thrilled to be working as your Assistant Principal.  As a former Bridges teacher, it is a privilege to continue serving such amazing community and I am eager to work with each of you.
At Bridges, we are committed to providing an environment where every student can thrive academically and grow as individuals of strong character. Our amazing teachers and staff are driven to meet the diverse needs of our students, equipping them with the skills necessary to be successful in our ever-changing world.  
Our passionate educators are committed to providing students with exemplary teaching practices coupled with project-based learning, technology resources, and S.T.E.A.M. integration.  All of these components work cohesively to provide our students with meaningful and impactful experiences they will carry forward into their future lives. 
In addition, we are committed to instilling character development into our daily interactions through positive behavior support.  We have built and continue to cultivate a community where safety, respect, responsibility, and 21st century thinking skills are encouraged, developed, and celebrated. We work to help students internalize these characteristics and display them both at school and in their everyday lives.
Education is a partnership between school and home and your involvement and support play a crucial role in your child’s success.  Together, we will continue to create a nurturing environment that supports the academic growth and development of each student.
I am excited about a new school year that holds endless possibilities for our amazing students, and I look forward to working with you to make it a memorable and successful year.
Thank you for your continued support.  Please feel dree to reach out with any questions or concerns at or by calling the school office at 480.279.8700.
Elizabeth Melter
Assistant Principal
Bridges Elementary